"Sure, I'll do it"
Nice Weather
hey, there's a guy with a plunger on his head!
Oh, I get it.dressing room (tent)
"How's the water?"
"Uh, cold."
"Group #26, here we go!"
Run, Larry
Bad DJ
"Insane in the membrane . . . insane in the brain"
memories . . . of high school
memories . . . in the making
"In this group, Chillin for the Lord"
Yeah, we're chillin all right
Oh, we are starting.
No time to back out now
What did I get myself into?
like, coldest water ever!
Dive now
all the way under!
Are you crazy?
Must get out of water
Just run the rest of the way
Crazy diving patrol guy- really wants a high-five
Keep running
Am I really breathing?
I am glad I'm not a fish
Keep running
Keep running
high five
Keep running
lots of shoes floating near shore
I didn't lose my shorts did I?
Would I know it if I did?
Can't feel my legs
Can you say cold?
knives in the calves
prickly pears
barely breathing
pins and needles all over
pins and needles all over
crazy kind of pain
Nice day- cold water
That was kind of fun!
Wow- I am cold
Wow- I am cold
dry clothes
hot coffee
Picture with the team
Ah, yeah- chillin!
Let's go home!
You are all completely insane!
I bet you are glad that you didn't sign on for that 24 in 24 thing. Yikes!
wow! You're nuts!!! Looks like it was a lot of fun. Are you sick yet?
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